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Source Connectors

This section provides a comprehensive guide on Source Connectors, a crucial component of the Popsink platform that enables you to integrate streaming data from various sources into your data infrastructure seamlessly.

What are Source Connectors?

Source Connectors are modular, reusable components that connect Popsink to various data-producing services, databases, and applications. They are responsible for continuously capturing data changes and streaming those changes to Popsink in real time.

Imagine a Source Connector as a bridge that continuously transports data from a source (such as databases, SaaS applications, or custom APIs) to your Popsink data pipeline, without any manual export or import. It ensures that your data platform reflects the most current state of your data sources.

Features of Source Connectors

  • Real-time Streaming: Popsink Source Connectors operate with streaming technologies, ensuring that data is captured and delivered with minimal latency.
  • Scalability: They are designed to handle high volumes of data and scale with your needs. Whether you're dealing with a few hundred records a minute or millions, Source Connectors can handle the load.
  • Resilience: Source Connectors are robust and can gracefully handle network failures and interruptions, automatically reconnecting and resuming data transfer when possible.
  • Compatibility: They are built to be compatible with a wide range of data sources including modern SaaS applications, traditional databases, and custom APIs.
  • Incremental Updates: Popsink's Source Connectors can transfer data incrementally, reducing bandwidth usage and ensuring that only new or changed data is streamed.
  • Security: Data security is paramount, so all data transferred through Source Connectors is encrypted in transit.

How do Source Connectors Work?

Popsink's Source Connectors are designed to be simple to set up and manage:

  1. Configuration: Start by configuring a Source Connector with the necessary credentials and permissions to access your data source.
  2. Connection: Once configured, the Source Connector establishes a connection to the source, often using native APIs provided by the data source.
  3. Data Capture: The Source Connector then listens for changes to the data in real time. This could be new records being added, updates to existing records, or deletions.
  4. Streaming: As changes are detected, they are streamed to Popsink, where they can be processed, transformed, or moved into Popsink's data storage or another destination of your choice.
  5. Management: Through Popsink's user interface, you can monitor the health and performance of your Source Connectors, schedule maintenance windows, and update configurations as needed.

Common Use Cases for Source Connectors

  • Real-Time Analytics: Stream changes from your operational databases to Popsink to power real-time dashboards and analytics.
  • Data Integration: Unify data from multiple sources to create a single source of truth for your organization.
  • Event-Driven Architecture: Capture events from various sources to trigger workflows and processes in real time.
  • Change Data Capture: Minimize the resource impact on your source systems by only capturing and transferring changes.

Getting Started with Source Connectors

Setting up a Source Connector in Popsink is straightforward:

  1. Navigate to the Source Connectors section of the Popsink platform.
  2. Select 'Add Source Connector' and choose the type of connector that matches your data source.
  3. Provide the necessary credentials and configuration details.
  4. Define the data streams you wish to capture.
  5. Save and start the Source Connector.

Popsink's intuitive user interface will guide you through each step, ensuring a hassle-free setup.


Source Connectors are the foundational elements that empower your Popsink data platform to be a comprehensive, real-time data integration solution. By leveraging these connectors, your organization can harness the full potential of your data as it streams from the source, leading to more informed decisions and a more reactive business model.

Should you require further assistance or have any questions, our support team is available to help you make the most of Popsink's powerful data streaming capabilities.
