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Popsink public API

Welcome to Popsink, your go-to SaaS solution for seamless programmatic interaction! With our API service, developers can effortlessly integrate Popsink's powerful features into their applications and workflows. Whether it's automating tasks, accessing data, or managing resources, our API provides a flexible and intuitive interface to unleash the full potential of Popsink. Experience the convenience and efficiency of programmatically interacting with Popsink to streamline your processes and unlock new possibilities.


GET /organizations/

Get Organizations


Get the organizations of the current user.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
authorization header string No

Response 200 OK

Schema of the response body

Response 422 Unprocessable Content

    "detail": [
            "loc": [
            "msg": "string",
            "type": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "title": "HTTPValidationError",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "detail": {
            "title": "Detail",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ValidationError"

POST /organizations/

Create Organization


Create an organization.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
authorization header string No

Request body

    "name": "string",
    "region_label": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "title": "OrganizationConfig",
    "required": [
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "title": "Name",
            "type": "string"
        "region_label": {
            "title": "Region Label",
            "type": "string"
    "description": "Define a message event, to send to Kafka."

Response 200 OK

Schema of the response body

Response 422 Unprocessable Content

    "detail": [
            "loc": [
            "msg": "string",
            "type": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "title": "HTTPValidationError",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "detail": {
            "title": "Detail",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ValidationError"

GET /organizations/{organization_uuid}/

Get Organization


Get a specific organization details.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
authorization header string No
organization_uuid path string No

Response 200 OK

Schema of the response body

Response 422 Unprocessable Content

    "detail": [
            "loc": [
            "msg": "string",
            "type": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "title": "HTTPValidationError",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "detail": {
            "title": "Detail",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ValidationError"

DELETE /organizations/{organization_uuid}/

Delete Organization


Delete a specific organization.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
authorization header string No
organization_uuid path string No

Response 200 OK

Schema of the response body

Response 422 Unprocessable Content

    "detail": [
            "loc": [
            "msg": "string",
            "type": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "title": "HTTPValidationError",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "detail": {
            "title": "Detail",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ValidationError"


GET /users/me/

Get Me


Get the current user.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
authorization header string No

Response 200 OK

Schema of the response body

Response 422 Unprocessable Content

    "detail": [
            "loc": [
            "msg": "string",
            "type": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "title": "HTTPValidationError",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "detail": {
            "title": "Detail",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ValidationError"




Root message.

Response 200 OK

Schema of the response body

POST /auth/



Authenticate the user from Auth0.

Auth0 response is like: { "access_token": "eyJ...Ggg", "expires_in": 86400, "scope": "read:clients create:clients read:client_keys", "token_type": "Bearer" }

Request body

    "username": "string",
    "password": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "title": "Credentials",
    "required": [
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "username": {
            "title": "Username",
            "type": "string"
        "password": {
            "title": "Password",
            "type": "string"
    "description": "Define a message event, to send to kafka."

Response 200 OK

Schema of the response body

Response 422 Unprocessable Content

    "detail": [
            "loc": [
            "msg": "string",
            "type": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "title": "HTTPValidationError",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "detail": {
            "title": "Detail",
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ValidationError"



Name Type
password string
username string


Name Type
detail Array<ValidationError>


Name Type
name string
region_label string


Name Type
loc Array<>
msg string
type string